Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Fatalist and the Optimist

Guess which one I am playing?
That's right- The Fatalist. But lucky for me Skie is an eternal optimist!

Skie's attititude: There was a doctor visit on Monday, and while we don't know much more than before, we will most likely have a minor surgery that will open everything up so we can have a baby the old fashioned way! YAH!

Rachel's attitude: There was a doctor visit on Monday. We don't know anything new really. We might, possibly, hopefully, if we are really really lucky (slim chance) be able to have a minor surgery to have a baby old school. BUT, knowing us and the luck we have had the past few years, we will likely have IVF.

Our compromise viewpoint: Ok, it could happen the old fashioned way. Let's wait and see!

:) We have some good and funny conversations! LOL

But I got to cancel my Major surgery that was scheduled for July so that is AMAZING! I was NOT looking forward to 4-5 days recovery time.

We have an appointment July 15 for more test results, and hopefully more answers!

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