Wednesday, February 4, 2009

25 Random Pregnancy Things

Okay, so in keeping with the whole FB craze of writing 25 random things about yourself ... I have a compiled a list of 15 random things that have begun in the past 17 weeks of being pregnant:

1. Cliche, I know, but I crave icecream. My day is not complete without an icecream cone from Chick-fil-A. I feel like this is a safe vice because 1) they only cost $1.06 with tax 2) they only have 162 calories. Look at me justifying ...

2. I listen to really random music. Example: right now I am listening to Michael Jackson's greatest hits. I have also been known to jam to Daft Punk and Michael Bubble in the same sitting.

3. It is hard for me to get motivated to run. WHAT?! I have never experienced this before ...

4. My memory is GONE. This is not good when it comes to school. I can study for hours and then forget all of the info in a matter of minutes.

5. I take naps .. NAPS .. like a little baby. Even if I get 10 hours of sleep, I can still crash anywhere, anytime. I fall asleep on the couches at school like you wouldn't believe.

6. I can't stop sneezing!! My left nostril is the culprit every single time. Supposedly, the left nostril corresponds to the parasympathic nervous system ... and perhaps since this is constantly aggrivated and clogged, I have problems calming down. Boh?!

7. Hummus is my new best friend. Yes, I eat it for breakfast.

8. I am 17 weeks along and have no baby bump to show for it. I have a mostrous butt bump and two ginormous boob bumps, but no baby bump.

9. I am so coffee deprived that I can get a caffeine high off the smell of Starbucks. I am sitting in one right now taking in the smells ....

10. I have pregnancy-induced ADHD. I can't sit still and pay attention to save my life ...

11. I strained some ligaments in my foot from stepping wrong. STEPPING WRONG. Are you kidding me? I have been running 50+miles/week (and falling on these runs pretty consistently) for the past 6 years and have not even had a stress fracture to show for it.

12. I crave fizzy drinks. I can't drink real water anymore. It's only S. Pellegrino for me.

13. I have become chatty. I always made fun of my mom for how chatty she was and how long our conversations would last. I now call her and she's the one getting off the phone with me!

14. McDonald's smells good. The smell of fast food used to make me want to vomit. I now follow bags of it just to get a whif. Of course there's nothing at those places good and friendly for a veggie like me ... so I'm pretty safe from it's olfactory temptations.

15. My husband is wondering who this new girl is that has taken the place of his wife. This new girl cries a lot and he doesn't know how to handle this. Hint: petting does not help, telling me to calm down does not help, ignoring me does not help.

BONUS #16: The sex drive is in overdrive. Hint to the Husband: enjoy it while it lasts.


  1. That's awesome...I can totally relate to a lot of those! Specifically: 1,3,4, had no time for 5 but did fall asleep while waiting at red lights and on my desk between patients, 7 would wolf down a huge thing of the stuff in a week and now I can hardly eat it before it expires, not 8 I still have what I refer to as a baby bump...aka pudge from numbers 1 and 7, 9, 12, and 14. I also had the blessed #16 which continues throughout the whole pregnancy because by the time you're huge you do it to try to induce labor...however, once an 8 pound baby tears its way through your vaJJ, sex is the scariest thought on Earth! Now, sleep deprivation takes the place of sexual! Loved your list!

  2. Haha! So I may be the only one reading this blog other than the RACK but it entertains me daily! I hope all is well!


  3. haha, I love the male K's tactics to try to stop our vowel's crying. Poor guy. But he should take note that telling a girl to "calm down" is generally the wrong way to go...pregnant or not. haha

    Do ya'll see what I see? We have a non-RACK reader! Shout out to Crystal!
