Thursday, June 11, 2009

Po-Po Pet Peeve

So, there's a chance that me being preggers and 6 weeks away from my due date that I am a bit "hormonal". (I think Kirk would add the adjective "raging" to that description.) Hey, I can't help it! I'm carrying estrogen for two over here. It's like being on your period times two, 24/7!! I'm usually pretty calm and even-tempered; however, as my weeks have progressed I have succumbed to bawling while watching birthing videos at the library, raging on any car that even dares to think about cutting me off in traffic, and not giving Kirk any slack (poor guy can't do anything right). What's worse is I recognize that I am moody and there's nothing I can do about it!! Trust me, I've tried to shut it off. There's no stopping this barrage of emotions ... the floodgates have opened, the levies have broken and we are on our way to a FEMA disaster. What do I have to say for myself? 


(For those not familiar with the Italian slang, it basically means "eh? forget about it!" One must shrug their shoulders and plaster a confused look on her face to get the real meaning across.)

I digress. So back to my pet peeve. On three separate occasions in the past month I have had the experience of a cop pulling out behind me in traffic, riding my arse for a few miles and then speeding around me while giving me a dirty look that is equivalent to flipping me the bird. What the heck? Just because they have the "power of the law" and carry a gun doesn't give them a right to bully me because I am obeying the law and going the speed limit (well, by the time they found me I was going the speed limit :) Just because they have pretty lights on top of their car doesn't make them immune to the target of my raging hormones. No friends, they are no exception. How dare they stare me down as if my obeying the law is getting in their way. If they are in such a hurry, turn on your lights!! Otherwise, I'm not getting out of your way ... in fact, I'll slow down just to be a nuisance. 

I swear, if one more cop even tries to ride my butt or cuts me off in a fit of rage, CITIZEN'S ARREST!! I ain't scared, people ...


  1. That is hilarious! I just can't picture you having a fit of rage...wait flashback to Spain circa 03....throwing backpack onto sidewalk and continueing on your way to the bus where we all yelled at other bus riders. Now I see it! It will like a year. Apparently breastfeeding and sleep deprivation keep you pretty crazy for a few months even after giving birth. Good luck, male K!

  2. Also, like 2 days before my water broke I almost got out of my car and attacked a man at the Chick fil A drive through (yes, when you are 9 months pregnant it is okay to get a ginormous milkshake after working all day). A man cut me off. I lost it. Lost it. I'm sure you all can picture that happening...can't wait to meet that girl!

  3. hahaha, aww Annie! You just do what you gotta do...and everyone can just find a way to deal w/ it and if they can't, we don't give a fug! Hmm, so you preggers sound like me now...poor Ryan, what did he get himself into?
    I really like how you explained "Boh" so that all of our many readers are not lost when reading the post. hahaha
