I did it. I ate fast food. Burger King hash browns. This morning my tummy has not been feeling well which may or may not be due to the red wine consumed last night at an art opening and dinner afterward. (Note: Art openings are wonderful places to get free wine and beer and feel as though you may be cultured or the slightest bit intellectual...but more on that in another blog.) It hurt and I was thinking about how if the ache was due to a hangover, and I'm not saying that it is, perhaps I should have some greasy food to nip it in the bud (butt?). And I thought of the fast food hash browns. Ryan was very encouraging as he is not feeling so hot either...coincidence? So I did it...I gave in. I have not once stepped foot in a Burger King or McDonald's in Singapore. I don't think I've even had anything from one of those places since conos in bell'Italia. Which, for some reason did not count. I'm lying, I nabbed a few of Ryan's fries in Melaka. As I left the office to go downstairs to the Burger King I began to feel overwhelmingly guilty. Maybe my stomach doesn't hurt. I think I felt better, but I had alread made my decision. I felt so ashamed and embarassed walking into BK. All these people around that don't know me and are not paying any attention will know that I went to BK, they will see me! I ordered and felt even more shameful as I walked back to my office w/ BK bag in hand. I gave Ryan his order and sat at my desk to dig in. The worst part is that they were just okay! Fast food is not as good as I remember it. So was it all worth it? Well, I would say no, but even as I till have this odd oily and not natural taste that seems to have lubricated my mouth and won't go away, my stomach doesn't hurt anymore. And that's pretty cool.

Welcome to the world of blogging, Carebear!! YEA! I totally feel ya on the fast food thing. I have been addicted to icecream cones since getting preggers and I stopped at a McDonalds to get one and they were giving out free fries. Gross!! It reminded me why I hate fast food so much ...