So anyone who might not intimately know the "A" of the RACK ... here's a free sneak preview for you ... I love quotes. Movie quotes happen to be a favorite ... but I also appreciate random, funny quotes friends and family unwittingly say. Another fact you might not know is that I just spend a fabulously wonderful long weekend in NYC with my best friends (and co-authors of this lovely blog). So as a tribute to them, quotes and funny random moments, I bring you my favs from this past weekend:
1) "I eat the sh*t out of that broccoli." -Rachelle referring to broccoli that comes in steam bags with olive oil and spices. Funny for two reasons: 1) Anyone who knows Rachelle, knows that 5 years ago broccoli wasn't even in her vocabulary. 2) Who says that in reference to broccoli?
2) "It's like Sex in the City ... without any sex." -Katacomb during our lunch at a totally hip, NYC restaurant ... great except this was a girls only weekend (minus the Griff-meister, of course) and thus by definition none of our boys were allowed.
3) Griffin's first experience with the RACK. Okay, so this one needs an explanation. Whenever the four of us get together, we ritualistically go berserk at the airport. We run to meet each other, jump up and down and hug each other ... first as a group, and then individually. Katacomb and Griffin just happened to be the last to arrive, so when the RAC_ spotted them, we took off running and starting jumping and hugging with no attention to the 4 month old baby being smothered by our antics. When we finally came up for air, we spotted the little guy and he was smiling and laughing right along with us. We knew right then that this was truly and genuinely a petite RACKer and not a love child switched a birth. It was love at first sight.
4) The Skype "interview" with Rybear. When Carebear first mentioned 2 1/2 years ago that she was considering moving to Singapore with a guy she had only been dating for a few months, the RA_K was selfishly skeptical (mostly because we didn't want to lose our C). But she made the move for her love and has been there now for over 2 years and been very happy. However, the distance has prevented us from officially meeting Ryan, the newest addition to our Boy RA_K (as you know from the previous blog, we are just waiting for the Boy C ... ah hem ... Rachelle :) So over our holiday weekend, Carebear instigated a Skype conversation with Ryan where we got to meet him and ask him questions. Funny for many reasons: 1) Ryan was introduced to the RACK Buffer, which consists of a special force that exists when all four of us our together that repels all other conversations and people who might try and join into our conversation. We become totally oblivous to the fact that we only talk and laugh amongst ourselves and anyone else in proximity ceases to exist (good thing Ryan is getting introduced to this early .. so it's not a surprise like it was for our two boy husbands ... the Boy A and the Boy K ... who only found out about it after getting engaged/married to us :) 2) Ryan was totally cute and played along with us by improving the astetics of his computer area with a Christmas tree, santa hat, and buddha statue.
There were many more funny moments of pregnancy farts (blame it on the baby in the belly!), Bananagrams, chips and salsa, movies ....... but I can't give away ALL of our secrets ;)
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